'seoul tip'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2015.04.08 Korea travel information TIP ; Seoul Subway Card / transportation card

Cities of the world there is a complex subway line.


Seoul is no exception.


A Seoul Subway line <Source : google>


The underground complex in Seoul will be described briefly.


Seoul has 18 routes.


 Korea sells a transportation card from a convenience store.

It is cheaper than buying a ticket from the metro station.

It is also convenient for the bus and transit.

(With T-Money APP (application) using NFC smartphone is more convenient.)


T Money Card

T Money Logo ; Must make sure that the logo on the card


gs25 CU 7 seven MINI STOPStoryway

Rechargeable Convenience


If you go to a convenience store is "Please Traffic Card".

If the employee does not know English, "go~tong Card" will say.




Subway station vending charge

Posted by 사에바 료